Sunday, February 14, 2010

Olympic Fever

Yesterday we spent the day in Vancouver seeing some of the many sights. We saw the Olympic Flame, the mint, the Coca-Cola pavillion and some other sights. Here are a few photos.

The Canada Line

Crossing into Vancouver

The Mint

The Olympic Flame

Coca Cola Pavillion

Live City - The band "Default"

The Aboriginal Pavillion

Taking Reflection - our ride home with all our reflections in a tunnel :)

We got a gold today - first ever on Canadian soil! Way to go Alexandre Bilodeau!


  1. You are soooo lucky! You got some great pics and I can feel the olympic excitement!!

  2. Fleur....that is soooooo way cool!!! Looks like you guys had a FABULOUS TIME!!!

  3. Your photos are great!!!! Thanks for sharing all the olympic spirit!!!
