Wednesday, February 2, 2011

365 - Week 4

I can't believe I made it 4 weeks this is awesome! And now for an insight into my very exciting life - not (LOL).

January 22 - Mike was away on business for a long time, Linden was very excited to see him when we picked him up at the airport.

January 23 - This is me - curly blonde hair, green/blue eyes and freckles. I really don't like getting my picture taken but I needed a new one.

January 24 - Laundry day - I swear we must have 10 people living in this house :)

January 25 - Linden's Grade 2 class are raising Salmon and releasing them. They have just hatched from their eggs and are called Alevin.

January 26 - It was crazy hair day at school today and Linden wanted Elvis but it ended up being more like a Greaser which was pretty cool!

January 27 - Packing for CHA - I am very excited and nervous.

January 28 - We flew to CHA in Los Angeles today and arrived just as the sun was setting - it was gorgeous!

Thanks for stopping by - have a great day!


  1. Great pictures for week 4 and the photo of you looks beautiful!

  2. Amazing photos Fleur. Love the one of Linden showing off this muscles. And you are too pretty to not have your photo taken. Hope you enjoyed CHA! Did you have to buy an extra bag to cart all the goodies home in? (oh, and I always love the music on your blog!)
