Monday, January 24, 2011

Top 10 of 2010

I usually record my 10 favorite songs from every year so I can look back and remember what songs were popular or songs that only I loved. This year instead of a layout I did a little mini album.

I used some Riff Raff chipboard tape cassettes and sprayed them with Glimmmer Mist. For the inside pages I used Imaginisce paper and wrote the song name on each page. To hold it together I used one of my Bind-It-All Owires and squished it together with my finger.

Thanks for stopping by :)


  1. Love this mini album and I agree with Melissa, definitely very cleaver!

  2. what a great idea! Now I wish I had bought those 'cassettes' when Riff Raff was still in business.

  3. ooohhh I have that Riff Raff cassette chipboard somewhere in my stash. I might just steal this idea. :)
