Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sylish Blogger Award

I have been nominated by Janice Kamide for the Stylish Blogger Award!! How Cool is that!

I have been blogging for a few years now and I love connecting with people through my blog. Here are seven random things about me:

1) I love Coke - I drink at least one can of Coke a day. In the summer I love to drink Coke Slurpees - I couldn't imagine a day without it.

2) I love making mini albums. They are so fun and it's great being able to finish one and see the end result. For most of them I use my Bind-It-All which is my favorite tool.

3) I hate exercising and will do anything I can not to do it - I wish I could find a fun way to get in shape!

4) I have the greatest friends in the world. I couldn't imagine my life without them. It would certainly be alot more boring!

5) I miss working at Clipper Street and all the wonderful people I worked with and met through that job. Shout out to my Clipper Chicks and Cory :)

6) My 3 favorite things in the world are spending time with my family and friends, scrapbooking and Travelling.

7) I am not a good house wife - I don't like cleaning the toilet, vacuuming and doing laundry so I put it off for as long as I possibly can!

As part of this award I have to nominate 6 other bloggers. Here are some of my favorite blogs.

1) I worked with Leslie Langdon on the Scrapbook Star Design Team a while ago and fell in love with her work. She rocks making handmade flowers!

2) I met Tara Orr when I was working at Clipper Street and she is so talented. Her stlye is soooo different from mine but her work is so incredible!

3)I work with Glenda over on the Scrapbook Star Design Team and her Misting, her layouts and her ATC's never cease to amaze me.

4) One of my fellow OZZ'ers Jennifer Priest has a really cool Etsy shop and her blog is full of inspiration.

5) Tina makes amazing cards - the detail is incredible.

6) Victoria Lau is like me an Everyday Scrapper and I love her layouts!

To the nominees, let's keep the love going by:

1.Writing seven things about yourself.
2.Presenting the award to six bloggers.
3.Contacting those people.
4.Creating a link back to the person who did this for you.
Thanks again for the honour Janice!


  1. Thanks Fleur! Love your blog too! :) I'll keep spreading the love!

  2. Thanks Fleur you made my day!! I love yours too and it was fun reading more about you!
