Saturday, May 19, 2012

Online Class and a Layout

I don't normally take online classes, in fact I have only taken one and I wasn't that impressed so I have been really hesitant on taking another one.  When I saw that Shannon Tidwell was creating an online class I decided I would give the online class thing another go and am I glad I did.

I have only watched the first video and all ready I am completely inspired!  I created this layout in about an hour which is huge for me as I am usually a pretty slow scrapper.  I would encourage anyone who wants to get inspired to check out her "Sassy Scrapbooking" class from Two Peas In A Bucket.

Here is the layout I was inspired to create.

I can't wait to finish watching the videos and get more inspiration!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Beautiful layout - I love the soft colors! Glad you are enjoying the class!

  2. I have not tried on line classes. I once won a mambership to MissArts and I'm bummed to say I never made it there before it was too late....
    I'm glad you were not disappointed. Your page certainly is a gorgeous one!

  3. How sweet and soft^^ this is beautiful!
