Monday, August 20, 2012

Project Happiness Week 5

I am a little behind with  my Project Happiness but I really want to see this through, actually I am having so much fun doing these little projects I think I will continue to do them for the rest of the year.

Week 5 was pretty quiet, just hanging around the house and letting the kids be kids.  The first of my happy moments came this week when my son finally conquered climbing the big tree in our complex.  He has wanted to do it since he was about 5 but this week he finally did it, the big reward is jumping over to the roof of the big shed and having a Coke with his friend.

I used the Bella Blvd Sunshine and Happiness collection which has lots of fun patterns to cut out and play with.

I especially loved the little clouds :)

My second happy moment came from shopping at Costco and finding a ROXY hoodie there. I love Roxy, it's been one of my favorite clothing companies for as long as I can remember, I love their flip flops and bags too.

I love hand cutting out designs to create embellishments and these flowers were perfect for this project.

I also love these mini clothes pins that I found at the dollar store, with a little bit of twine they are prefect to attach the projects to my board. 

To see the original blog post from Christine Middlecamp about "Mapping Happiness" follow this link
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. wow what wonderful pages- love all the details on each one!

    thanks so much for stopping by my blog today and taking the time to write such a kind comment. i would be honored if you stopped by again sometime or even signed upt to follow and i would do the same- thanks- mp

  2. Such fun and and colorful pages. Love the layering of the trees and flowers. Great cutwork!

  3. the trees and clouds are really too cute.. and the other one has fun bright colours.. great block Fleur

  4. Both of these layouts are lovely. I am going to have to check out this challenge you are doing.
    I bet your son was so proud for accomplishing his goal...good for him :)

  5. this is a really cool project, it's just so precious to record little memories like that!
