Monday, February 25, 2013

I-top Minecraft Buttons

If you have a boy in your house then I am sure you have heard of Minecraft.  My boys play this video game all the time and when I wanted to make some buttons for my youngest son’s toque he asked if I could make some Minecraft buttons. 
We looked all over the Internet and found some images that he liked and printed them out on heavy cardstock.  Then I used the fabulous I-Top tool to make the buttons. 
As these were going to be on a hat worn outside I covered the images with Modge Podge to seal them.  Once they were dry I sewed them onto his toques.  He loves them!

 Here's a few more I made for his friend :)

Thanks for stopping by.
Minecraft Images are from the makers of the game Mojang.


  1. These are super cool! I have heard of minecraft but haven't seen it in action yet.

  2. Very cool!
    My son LOVES Minecraft. It is a passion of his :)

  3. These are awesome and I'll bet they scored you some serious awesome mom points. :)

  4. Great idea!! I haven't used my I-top for a real long time...maybe I need to make my niece some princess buttons...thanks for sharing!

  5. These are so cute! I have girls, but I do have nephews... :)

  6. Those are so fun.
    I am sure the boys love them
    I have 3 girls and they are into video games. They play them so much love to beat the boys when they come to visit, lol.
