Saturday, June 1, 2013

Imaginisce Monthly Challenge

It's challenge time again over at the Imaginisce blog and this month the focus is on Dad's.  I have to say my kids have a pretty amazing Dad, he is always doing things with them and spending time with them - he is very involved and I love how close they are with him.
For this months challenge we used this amazing sketch by Diana:
and the following challenges:
1) Theme - Father(s)
2) Use the color brown
3) Use some kind of recycled product on your page
Here's my take on the sketch and challenge. 
I used the Outdoor Adventure collection, love the colors in this collection.
The background is some packaging material that Disneyland wraps around its mugs so when you travel with them they don't break. My husband wanted to recycle it but I knew it would be perfect for my scrapbooking.

I hope you take the challenge and join us over at Imaginisce this month.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. How cool! I love the texture the packing material adds to the layout. This is a great masculine page! Love the colours too.

    I need to print off that sketch.

  2. Oooh a boy layout! LOVE the texture & color scheme you worked with. TFS!

  3. Fantastic! Love the texture of this masculine LO! ave a great week. ;-)

  4. I love what you did with the packaging! Great Job and Thanks for sharing!!

  5. FABULOUS job with the sketch and I too am LOVING that packing paper, such a clever idea!!

  6. Saw this on the blog earlier and loved it!! Great work!! LOVE the use of the packaging!!!

  7. Love your take and WOW on that texture! Good thing you took that instead of hubby! LOL!! Wonderful page!

  8. Your page is great :)
    I like the texture that packaging paper gives. Leave it to us scrapbookers to know how you use things others would throw away :)
