Monday, September 9, 2013

Studio West Dance

Linden is so excited to be going back to Hip Hop and Musical Theatre this year and Studio West Dance is such an amazing place for him to be.  He made company (a higher level) this year which was pretty cool!
Jyla Davis is an awesome instructor and the kids have so much fun with her.  At the end of last year I made her a key chain for her studio keys and a note book. 
The studio colors are green and purple so I used that color combo for the charms.

I used her logo and the Epiphany Crafts Oval Tool and Charm for this charm.

To finish it off I wrapped it in a paper bag and added some green washi tape and purple twine.

I have a feeling this is going to be a great year.
Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Sounds like a great studio!
    And what a thoughtful and pretty gift!

  2. What an awesome gift. Love how the charms turned out. I should try this.

  3. What a great gift! I love the colors ;)
