Wednesday, December 18, 2013

More of my December Daily :)

I am keeping pretty current with my December Mini Album this year which is nice.  We went to my bosses house to watch the Carol Ships. 
Their tree was gorgeous too - and Charlie (their cat) was sleeping underneath it.

They live in a float home right on the water so we get a perfect view of all the ships dressed up in their lights.

The next day Linden had his performance with Tony Barton in Jingle.  It's an amazing Christmas concert and Tony Barton and his wife Tracy Neff love getting the kids in the community involved and Linden has been lucky enough to do this for 2 years.

I made a pocket and added tags for the journaling as I wanted to record a few more things than usual.
I managed to snap a couple of shots at rehearsal as no pictures are allowed during the actual concert.
I used gold mist on the snowflakes to add some shimmer.

It's been a wonderful Christmas so far!  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Pretty pages and great photos! Love how you did one page in red and one in green, so cute!

  2. Fabulous pictures. I wish I would flip through your album in person.
