Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Finally Finished

I finished my December mini album a few weeks ago but never got around to posting it on my blog.  I really love making this album, this is my 5th year and each year they are completely different.  I think this year is my favorite so far!

Here's the last few pages including the January challenge at Scrapbook Nerd - confetti.

A special visit from Santa and a hug confetti page.

I used the rest of my Lawn Fawn sequins and used a punch to punch the patterned paper.

Making Christmas cookies for Santa.

Christmas day and opening presents.

Our annual skating party with the Lowe's.

So glad I finally got it finished and posted.  Can't wait until next year :)

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Gorgeous December Daily, love what you did with the sequins!

  2. Fab job completing another year's DD, it looks great!

  3. this is so cool, love the sequins!

  4. So cute! Love the sequin page! :)

  5. Oh my gosh, I love it! Especially the confetti. I'm about to get cracking on my December Daily and I'm totally scraplifting that. :)
