My scrappy friend, Jemma, gave me this Beautiful Blogger Award. I was totally shocked so thanks Jemma!
The award comes with the following responsibilities:
1. I must thank the person who bestowed this honor upon me. (Thanks again Jemma)
2. Copy the award and place it on my blog.
3. Link to the bestower’s site
Jemma's Journey 4. List seven interesting things about myself - hmmmm let's see:
1)I was born in Africa
2)I eat cheese every day of my life (I would not be alive if it weren't for cheese
3)I drink a Coke every day (Yes Eleonor I know it's bad for me but I can't live without it)
4)I fell in love with Mike (my DH) at first sight but he wanted nothing to do with me - I showed him :)
5)I took a year of Premed at university
6)I love music - It's one of the things that gives me strength to get through the bad times and let's me let loose for the good times. The right music is food for my soul (right now that's Muse)
7)My second son Linden was born on my birthday (go pisces) and when he's bad or acts up my husband always makes the comment "Well he is born on your birthday" and I always say back he is so not like me (well shhhhhh don't tell my DH but boy is he like me LOL)
5. Nominate seven bloggers that I find beautiful:
Eleonor who makes me laugh all the time! (BTW how was your trip with the aliens :)Sam who I wished lived closer to me and had her amazing store a lot closer too :)Tara whose scrapbooking style is so different from mine but her layouts are totally amazingIf you love making cards then Erika's blog is a must - they are amazing!Heather's blog Green Apple Girl - love her layouts!I met Janis on the Scrapbook Star message board and I fell in love with her bright, fun layouts!Sarah's blog is full of goodness go check it out!Thanks that was fun!