Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from my Scary family to yours.

Here's some photos from past Halloweens - some scary and some pretty dang cute :)

Have a safe and spooky Halloween!
Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Then and Now

I love seeing photos of the kids from then and now.  My son has a friend who moved quite far away and they come to town every summer for a visit so we try and get together and see them. This year we tried to get a photo of the four of them in the same order we were close lol.

I layered some 6x6 paper pad sheets on this page and added some of Shimelle's fun cork and wood veneer embellishments.

I stitched around the two photos to add some texture.

I love seeing how the kids have grown up :)

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Are you prepared for a zombie apocalypse?  I saw this really cute cross stitch pattern on Pinterest and had to make one for my bathroom. 
 I knew if I tried to embroider it I would never finish it so instead I broke out my Silhouette and used it to cut the title and soap.
I used some vellum for the bubbles to make it look soapy.
I love how it turned out - can't wait to hang it in my bathroom.

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Love this

This is why I scrapbook - capturing that one moment that makes me smile and will forever let me remember my son's life at this time (even if its a blurry photo as I run over to capture it lol). 

My son takes Hip Hop and Musical Theatre at Studio West Dance, a local dance school, and often he is the only boy and is always surrounded with girls.  He loves it, he isn't bothered by it all and that makes me smile.  He has found his passion and that makes me smile.  He loves Unicorns, Rainbows and Nyan Cat and that makes me smile.  He is an amazing singer and that makes me smile.  His teacher says he has swag which make me laugh.  He helps out with a class of 6-8 year olds and that makes me smile.  This kid just makes me smile!

These girls also make me smile, he has made some amazing friends and they are all so talented.

This layout will make me smile for years to come.

Thanks for stopping by.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mini Mini

I had to have the little gold heart Instagram Mini Album that Teresa Collins put out as soon as I saw it. It's so cute and adorable.  I ended up using it to create a fun little mini of our recent trip to Oregon.

I tried to keep the pages pretty simple because of the size.

I found it a little hard to get all the embellishments I wanted to use on this size format.  I think next time I would do a straight photo album and skip trying to add embellies. 

I also needed a few more page protectors but just ended up adding the pages without the protector.


It was a fun trip and I love this little mini :)
Thanks for stopping by.

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