This is why I scrapbook - capturing that one moment that makes me smile and will forever let me remember my son's life at this time (even if its a blurry photo as I run over to capture it lol).
My son takes Hip Hop and Musical Theatre at Studio West Dance, a local dance school, and often he is the only boy and is always surrounded with girls. He loves it, he isn't bothered by it all and that makes me smile. He has found his passion and that makes me smile. He loves Unicorns, Rainbows and Nyan Cat and that makes me smile. He is an amazing singer and that makes me smile. His teacher says he has swag which make me laugh. He helps out with a class of 6-8 year olds and that makes me smile. This kid just makes me smile!
These girls also make me smile, he has made some amazing friends and they are all so talented.
This layout will make me smile for years to come.
Thanks for stopping by.
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